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Other Works Consulted:

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(Arts, Hainke et al. 1987)

(Arnold 1999)

(Benjamin 1999)

(Billington and Schien 2004)

(Cozzolino and Rutherford 1990)

(Donald 1999)

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(Gatto 1977)

(Gibson and Watson 1994)

(Gilloch 1996)

(Gottdiener and Lagopoulos 1986)

(Grogan and Mercer 1995)

(Halbwachs 1992)

(Hitchcock and Teague 2000)

(Hollevoet, Jones et al. 1992)

(LeGates and Stout 2003)

(Lenten 1978)

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(Luck 1992)

(Matzner, Manske et al. 2003)

(McDonald, Dupain et al. 2004)

(Michael 1994)

(Modjeska 1989)

(Morris 1992)

(Mumford 1998)

(Murphy and Watson 1997)

(Prendergast 2004)

(Prunster 1982)

(Rutherford 1992)

(Spier 2002)

(Timms and Kelley 1985)

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(Verwijnen and Lehtovuori 1999)

(Wannan 1964)

(Watson and Gibson 1995)

(Webb 1992)

(Webber 1988)

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