Kew Gardens

There is a small garden park in Kew where we spent a lazy hour or so relaxing in on our recent trip to Melbourne. It's the kind of park I'd want to bring my little ones to as there's a little bit of everything. There's the ponds with a fountain, a lacey ironwork bandstand, grass and picnic tables. Also, there's one example of each of the classic trees to examine, an oak, a fir, a pine, a gum, elm and hawthorn etcetera. It would be a great way for someone to learn how to look at a tree and tell what it is by its unique features whether it's the leaf or the bark or the way its spreads its branches. There are gum nuts and acorns to spot so its a small little adventure for a child to discover.
Obviously a favourite spot to hang out for this water bird...
Above are some of the different trees on display. Below are some close ups of the leaves.
It's courting season amidst the pigeons. This guy was trying hard but she really wasn't interested.
Unlike these two love birds happily foraging together for picnic scraps
The park was a popular rest spot for families and cyclists
The park is filled with statues by a local artist
I particularly liked the carved gum leaf details on the entrance memorial